
Hottest Halloween Costumes 2013: Sexy, Funny and Cute Costume Ideas

Some of the hottest Halloween costumes for 2013 revolve around--you guessed it--pop culture.
Cartoon shark Costume

Pop culture references make for some of the best Halloween costumes, so we've rounded up our favorites--whether you want to go gamer geek with Minecraft or transform into your favorite Kardashian or Grumpy Cat meme, we've got plenty of costume ideas.

We know you'll be seeing more than a few shark costumes out there, but what about some of the other popular costume ideas this season?
shark Costume Mascot

What are you going to be this Halloween?
Grey shark Pattern Polyester Baby Costume

Is your costume a pop culture reference? Cute, sexy or funny?
Grey shark Mascot Adult Costume

One of the hottest cheesy movies and social media sensations this year? Sharknado! While creating your own massive sharknado is a tall order, you’re halfway there with this shark costume that looks like he’s having a little snack. Feeling crafty? Check out this DIY Sharknado costume video.

sharkshark Mascot Costume

What Does the Fox Say Costume
Ylvis' catchy song “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)” translates nicely into a Halloween costume--animal costume, FTW! Get yourself an awesome fox suit like this, or go with some smaller furry accessories (ears and a tail). Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!
Redd fox Costume Mascot
For more Halloween Costumes, please visit:http://www.topzentaicostume.com/halloween-sale_c436

