
How to Cosplay in College

All cosplayers started somewhere - and that somewhere, for me, happened to be smackdab in the middle of my second year of college. I, as well as many other cosplayers, often face challenges related to this, and as such have scrounged up some tips on how to both succeed in school and on the convention floor as a college cosplayer.
Plan, plan, plan!
It's never to early to start planning when it comes to cosplay. At least 6-8 months before a convention is a safe bet, in my opinion - make sure to pre-register for your convention badge, decide whether or not you want a hotel room, and consider what cosplays you'll want to wear. Consider the weather at the time of the convention, the skill set required for your cosplay costume uk, and how much time you'll have to make/buy your cosplay parts. Make sure that nothing will conflict with your convention - classes, activities, etc. Block that time off and don't let anything interrupt it.
The more you sit down and actually plan out your cosplay work, the more prepared you will be!

Naruto Akatsuki Kakuzu Cosplay Costume

Manage your time.
Set aside time for studying and homework, and other time for cosplay work. Whether that's a weekend dedicated to work or an hour every day for two weeks, make sure you manage your time well and don't neglect either your schoolwork or your Spiderman Costume uk, as both are extremely easy to procrastinate. If needed, get your friends/cosplay partners-in-crime to hold you accountable for working on either or both.

Know your budget.
College is expensive and the legend of the Poor College Student is real. Cosplaying is also expensive, factoring in costs for sewing tools, fabric, contact lenses, wigs, shoes, etc. Watch those sales at JoAnn's or your local fabric stores and hop on those to grab all your materials, spread out your purchases so the cost isn't so steep, and reuse, repurpose, recycle materials wherever possible to save your wallet some of that hard-earned green. (Here's a video from a local college cosplayer on the subject!) Budgeting for your cosplay is really important - if your cosplays will be too expensive, consider decreasing the amount of cosplays you will bring, or changing to a cosplay that will be more financially viable.

Cotton White And Black Long Sleeves Punk Lolita Blouse And Skirt

Grow a tough skin.
Let's face the truth - some colleges aren't exactly accepting of things they don't understand. Cosplay would definitely fall into that category of things. Remember that cosplay is for yourself, not for others' approval, and some people are going to judge you and maybe even make fun of you while you're wearing your cosplay. Find friends who love cosplay and are accepting of you. Become comfortable in your own skin and your cosplay so that no one else can hurt you. If someone is harassing you, ignore them and get help if needed. For every one rude ignorant college kid, there's ten kind nerds who will squeal over your costume at the convention and will challenge their negativity with love.
These are just a few things that I have learned in my relatively short time as a college cosplayer. Do you have any tips to share or questions or comments to add? Let us know in the comments or on my cosplay page and I'll do my best to answer!

